Determine function of Tier 3 intensive and ongoing behavior using the PTR-YC tool and forms, and create a comprehensive PBIS plan for a student.

  1. Select and describe child you will be focusing this project on– this should be one of your focus children.
  2. Meet with team (including family) to collaboratively complete the PTR-YC Goal Sheet (Form 1).
  3. Collect baseline data (minimum 3 days) on the defined behaviors using PTR-YC Behavior Rating Scale (Form 4).
  4. Meet with team (including family) to collaboratively complete the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Checklists (Forms 5, 6, 7), and with team, summarize findings on PTR-YC Summary Table (Form 8).
  5. Discuss with team menu of intervention strategies to create a positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) plan that includes prevention, teaching, and reinforcement strategies (use Form 10 AND recreate table 6.6A from book).
  6. Implement PBIS plan and track data (at least 6-10 days) on form created in step 3.
  7. Create a fidelity checklist (Form 11) and complete with team.
  8. Reflect on the experience in a narrative, addressing the following prompts (use headings for each):

Collaboration and Goal Setting: What you learned about collaborating with other practitioners and family: what was easy about collaborating? What was challenging? How did you navigate any conflicts in the collaboration? What you would do differently next time to improve collaboration?

Data Collection and Data Analysis: What did your data reveal during baseline and intervention about the behavior? How easy or difficult was it to collect data in a natural setting of a classroom and/or home? What else did you learn about data collection?

PBIS Plan: Describe the effectiveness of the plan to prevent challenging behavior, teach new skills, and reinforce appropriate social emotional behavior. If the PBIS plan was partially effective, describe why you think this was so; what recommendations to you have for how PBIS plans are implemented at this site; explain what you would do differently next time regarding implementation.

9. Post all forms and reflection to Challenging Behavior PBA in LiveText.