Watch early intervention in action and reflect on these experiences in consideration of DEC Recommended Practices.

  1. From this website, watch, A Home Visit with Esaia’s Family, and Dream Big—A FIT Family Story.
  2. Then, watch at least two videos from this website related to early intervention home visits.
  3. Reflect and critique on these home visits based on the following DEC Recommended Practices (2014):

A6. Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child’s family and other significant individuals in the child’s life.

A7. Practitioners obtain information about the child’s skills in daily activities, routines and environments such as home, center, and community.

E1. Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive         environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child’s access to and participation in learning experiences.

E3. Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child’s access to   and participation in learning experiences.

E4. Practitioners work with families and other adults to identify each child’s     needs for assistive technology to promote access to and participation in learning experiences.

F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family   through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic diversity.

F2. Practitioners provide the family with up-to-date, comprehensive and unbiased information in a way that the family can understand and use to make informed choices and decisions.

F3. Practitioners are responsive to the family’s concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances.

F4. Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family’s priorities and concerns and the child’s strengths and needs.

F5. Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities.

F6. Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences.

INS1. Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning.

INS2. Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments.

4. Write your reflections and critique in a 4-6 page double spaced paper, using headings of each video you viewed. Upload to “ECED 6910: One credit documentation” in LiveText.