Examining RtI/MTSS practices

Interview a member of the MTSS team and describe MTSS, RtI, and inclusive practices at the school.

  1. Interview a member of the MTSS team (could be a special education teacher, the principal or someone else) to familiarize yourself with MTSS, the Response to Intervention process, and inclusion; use the guidance below to help guide your questions.
  2. In a narrative write up, describe:

-How does the school implement the components of MTSS as defined by the Colorado Department of Education? You may want to have the components handy so you can ask about each, specifically.

-The RtI process, including progress monitoring.

-How special education services are delivered at this school.

-Define the role of the special educator in each process. How does this compare to the role of the ECSE at the preschool level?

-Critically assess current status of inclusive practices (this was included in the practicum site overview as well). Summarize your results from that and comment on: To what degree are students with disabilities educated alongside their general education peers? To what degree does the special educator participate in cooperative planning/co-teaching with the general education teacher?

Use a narrative summary and figures as appropriate to describe the RtI process and service delivery model for children with special needs.

3. Upload to "Primary Practicum PBA" in LiveText.