Focus children descriptive overview
Summarize background and relevant educational records for two focus children. You must secure permission from families to use the child as your focus child. This is referred to as Target Children Descriptive Overview in the handbook.
- Identify two children (both should have either an IEP or IFSP) who will be the focus of several experiences. If completing the Challenging Behavior PBA, one should have persistent and intensive challenging behavior.
- For each child:
-Describe as much as you know about the child including birth, medical/health, developmental, and educational history.
-Summarize information on the child’s particular disability and possible effects of medication (if applicable).
-Include IFSP or IEP summary sheet. DO NOT INCLUDE ACTUAL IFSPs/IEPs.
-Describe: child’s strengths, interests, learning style, concerns and areas for growth, describe next developmental steps, describe concerns and priorities of the family.
3. Upload to "Target Child Overview" in LiveText.