IEP meeting-one credit

In this experience, you will watch an example of an IEP meeting and critically reflect on the process shown in the video.

Watch: (14 minutes)

Written Documentation (4-6 double-spaced pages):

Critique and analyze this IEP Meeting based on the following DEC Recommended Practices. What are strengths and areas of growth for each? Be specific with evidence from the video and how you would specifically approach improving family centered practice for each and include references (consider references from other courses) to justify your strengths and areas of growth.

Include an introduction, conclusion and reference list.

A2. Practitioners work as a team with the family and other professionals to gather
assessment information.
A4. Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and
behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests.
A6. Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child’s
family and other significant individuals in the child’s life.
A11. Practitioners report assessment results so that they are understandable and
useful to families.
F2. Practitioners provide the family with up-to-date, comprehensive and unbiased
information in a way that the family can understand and use to make informed
choices and decisions.
F3. Practitioners are responsive to the family’s concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances.
F4. Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop
individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family’s priorities
and concerns and the child’s strengths and needs.
F7. Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes or goals.
TC1. Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of
each child and family.

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