Complete ongoing assessment/progress monitoring for your two focus children. This is referred to as Assessment Experience 3 in the handbook.

  1. Use the Pathways Process (complete page 2– use page 12 as guidance, but read the whole thing) OR a Routines Based Interview to gather relevant background information and family input about one focus child.
  2. Gather data and artifacts (including photos [de-identified], checklists, data collection forms, anecdotal notes, work samples, progress monitoring tools, family conference notes). Submit these with your final document.
  3. Complete and analyze at least two domains in TS Gold (or assessment used by site) for both focus children.
  4. Meet with one family to share results of the assessment.
  5. Include a reflection about what you learned about ongoing assessment and progress monitoring; what you might recommend as changes (with justifications) to the way ongoing assessment is completed at the site; AND what you would do the same OR differently the next time you communicate assessment results with a family, and why. {Note: DEC Recommended Practices might be helpful as guidance}
  6. Upload all these pieces under Assessment PBA in LiveText.